A few years ago I tried to give strawberries a try in my garden...I only yielded one tiny strawberry that summer (#gardeningfail).
The following year I decided to throw in the towel on ever becoming a strawberry farmer, but to my surprise those suckers sprang up again yielding more strawberries!
Little did I know that strawberries are perennials - meaning they grow back every year - and don't always produce fruit right away. Once when they do - they can last up to 5 years, (5 years of fresh strawberries - yes please!).
So be patient my aspiring strawberry farmers - the best is yet to come.
And when the strawberry supply does become plentiful - why not try out this strawberry dessert salsa with cinnamon chips.

This perfect pair is a refreshing treat that will be a game-changer at your next social gathering.
